A Clean Energy Space: our birthright
There exists in Nature
an unbounded Source of Free Energy.
Man harnesses it "naturally" as an innate free energy dance,
"normally", in limited ways,
Such as found in the ancient arts of yoga, chi gong, tai chi, acupuncture, magnetic healing, sound healing, music therapy, color and light healing, and the like.
Some is used for medical diagnosis and treatment like ultrasound, electro-acupuncture, TENS, Cold Laser therapy, Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TCS), Magnetic Resonance Imaging, autogenic training devices, electric medicine like BGS, etc.
Energy used efficiently is both a science and an art. It produces as a resultant, effective or expedient work. Such empowers man and furthers life.
Energy however can be used to harm, disempower, and even kill. For example its unwise use can electrocute, burn down homes, destroy habitat, cause blindness or confusion, or act as powerful weapons such as nuclear bombs etc. Energy resultants are what we make them. knowledge of the energy in our life is empowering. .
Besides the effects of manmade energy dynamics upon our environment, physical body, and minds; natural energy systems operate in outer space (sun and star systems), drive the ocean currents and weather, influence the Northern lights (auroras), affect radio communication, as well as in inner space within the body. These energy systems interact and impact in our daily lives in many ways, both constructive and detrimental.
Within the body, within each organ, within each cell, within each molecule, and every atom, there exists many energy patterns, circuits, resonant vortices, and matrices. It is this intelligent energetic interaction between the atom and the universe, between body and mind, between creation and creative source, nature and infinite spirit, embodiment and formless unity which has fascinated me all my life. It is to this mystery that this work is dedicated.
In these pages we will discuss further:
Here we will clarify between what is clean energy as distinct from electro-smog or polluted energy systems. Once identified, we will show how to minimize its deleterious effects while maximizing our evolutionary, creative, and healing potential in time and space -- in harmony with the Tao.
The Tao that can be described
Is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be spoken
Is not the eternal Name.
The nameless is the boundary of Heaven and Earth.
The named is the mother of creation.
Freed from desire, you can see the hidden mystery.
By having desire, you can only see what is visibly real.
Yet mystery and reality
emerge from the same source.
This source is called darkness.
Darkness born from darkness.
The beginning of all understanding. "
Donald Simon
Providing building and energy system evaluations and services since 1970
California Licensed Electrical Contractor 394508
California Licensed Building Contractor 394508
California State Energy Auditor #781
California Licensed Home Improvement Contractor
FCC Licensed ARS Operator (Extra Class) NI6A
Yoga Teacher since 1972
CranioSacral Therapist (I and II)
Web Designer
Member: Intl. Solar Energy Society
Member: Berkeley Ecology Center
Offering electrical , magnetic, electromagnetic, and communication system evaluations, remediation, and design services in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area.
Please Call:
Donald Simon
2525 Tulare Ave.
El Cerrito, CA 94530
Telephone: 415 454 8593
Email: Etonoha at yahoo dot com
help comes...
The Tao gave birth to One.
The One gave birth to Two.
The Two gave birth to Three.
The Three gave birth to all of creation.
All things carry Yin
yet embrace Yang.
They blend their life breaths
in order to produce harmony.
- Lao Tse from the Tao Te Ching